The right focus for
effective team
Focus Areas are small, simple and fast Feedback chats with a great value! With over 100 different research-based topics to choose from, it is not difficult to find the right focus for your particular team.
By combining measurable data with qualitative, actionable feedback you can follow trends and act on insights. All packaged in one super flexible Flourish Chat which only takes about 30 seconds for your employees to answer. Less workload and more value simply!

By combining measurable data with qualitative, actionable feedback, you can follow trends and act on insights. All packaged in a super flexible Flourish Chat that only takes about 30 seconds for your employees to answer. Less workload and more value simply!

Our daily stand-ups have really made a difference! 💪
Fast data & deep insights
The question methodology on which Flourish Focus Areas is based is simple but proven. It has proven to be successful and has been the basis for the development of an effective team worldwide.
In Flourish, it is packaged in a chat conversation where the basic structure of the measurement consists of a question package with 3 main questions as standard.
Scale question gives
measurable data
Asking a scale question is important to ensure measurability in the topic you want to explore.
Employees are asked to weigh their responses on a 10-point scale. It can be anything from how you experience the team’s collaboration or workload to something more specific like the quality of the company’s sales material.
Justification question provides insights
Based on the weighted answer, the employee is asked to justify their choice through free text. In this way, you as a team leader can gain an understanding of the individual and the group’s answers. You can probably see patterns that are recurring for both high and low scores.
Development question gives concrete proposals
Finally, the employee has the choice to reflect on the topic and develop their answer. The question aims to give you as a team leader concrete suggestions for improvement. You can then work with these directly in your leadership or use them as a basis for continued dialogue with the team.
Create your own questions
Even with hundreds of focus areas within the entire work environment spectrum available, challenges can arise that require measurements that are completely specific to your particular team.
Unique Focus Areas for effective teams
Flourish therefore allows you to build your very own Focus Areas adapted to your conditions. Of course, in the agile chat builder, you will be guided through each step.
Your custom-built Focus Areas can then be used continuously for scheduling, follow-up and analysis.
The result is a high-quality chat conversation unique to your team with the conditions for measurable data, actionable feedback and ultimately a more efficient team.
Create your own Focus Area
Measuring of the move the salary the objective team activities
Scale question
As a whole, how do you experience the team’s chances of achieving the new goals we set? 🎯
Include Motivation Question?
Development issue
Do you have any concrete suggestions on how we as a team should work to achieve the new goals? 🤔
Save Focus Area
Review Flourish Chat
As a whole, how do you experience the team’s chances of achieving the new goals we set? 🎯
Do you have any concrete suggestions on how we as a team should work to achieve the new goals? 🤔